The Deps Kincoo Air is a straight worms specifically for tough conditions and has been completely redesigned with a air chamber inside.
The air holes embedded throughout the body provide suppleness and buoyancy, and the sight of the bait swaying and falling down after landing on the bottom.
The Kincoo Air kan be paired with Neko rigs and Wacky rigs, but also with Texas rigs and leaderless down shots. With its high versatility, it can be used for fall, weed attack with jig head rigs and no sinker rigs, and mid-level strolling with jig head wacky style. Salt content of the 7.8" is 15%.
Length: 5" - 6 pieces per pack
Condition scores:
N- New in original packing
A - As new
B - Lightly used, with minor scratches
C - Used, with obvious scratches